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  • 如何利用IBCS虚拟专线打通企业ERP系统与云平台?

    一台可以上网的电脑,用于配置IBCS虚拟专线。 企业云平台的登录账号和密码。 IBCS虚拟专线服务商提供的账号和密码。 步骤二:注册IBCS虚拟专线 首先,您需要选择一家IBCS虚拟专线服务商,并注册账号。注册完成后,登录服务商的网站,按照提示完成实名认证和账号绑定等操作。

    作者: yd_293449292
    发表时间: 2023-04-01 15:50:12
  • BatchRemoveOrgsFromChannel BCS组织退出某通道 - API

    该API属于BCS服务,描述: 该接口用于BCS组织退出某通道。接口URL: "/v2/{project_id}/blockchains/{blockchain_id}/{channel_id}/orgs/quit"

  • BCS.4001006 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the SFS file system because the CCE API or the cluster status is abnormal. 解决办法:手动将相应网盘删除即可。具体步骤如下: 登录CCE服务控制台,进入存储管理界面

  • BCS.4001007 - 错误码

    错误信息: Services billed in the yearly/monthly mode cannot be deleted. 解决办法:包周期服务不允许删除,请到界面上进行退订。

  • BCS.4001008 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. Bind an EIP to at least one node in the cluster and try again. 解决办法:集群内至少有一个节点需要绑定弹性IP,请绑定后重新操作。 具体步骤:登录CCE服务控制台,进入集群管理界面

  • BCS.4001009 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. Bind an EIP to each node in the cluster and try again. 解决办法:给集群每个节点绑定EIP,可参考CCE服务的用户指南,然后重新操作。具体步骤:登录CCE服务控制台,进入集群管理界面

  • BCS.4001011 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. The service does not exist or has been deleted. Refresh the page. 解决办法:等待片刻,重新刷新页面即可。

  • BCS.4001015 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to obtain the peer information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复

  • BCS.4001018 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. A service with the same name already exists. Enter another name and try again. 解决办法:修改服务名称后后重新提交。

  • BCS.4001019 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to obtain the image version for upgrade because the required image is not in the image repository or the version configuration is

  • BCS.4001020 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. The service status is abnormal or the service is being processed. Try again later. 解决办法:请稍后重试。

  • BCS.4001025 - 错误码

    错误信息: Invalid EIP. The EIP may have been unbound from the cluster. Check the EIP binding of the cluster. 解决办法:登录CCE服务控制台,选择“资源管理”-》“集群管理”,单击服务对应的集群

  • BCS.4001026 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to save the EIP to etcd because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试

  • BCS.4001030 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed because the etcd connection check failed. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复,待恢复正常后重试。

  • BCS.4001031 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to query the member details because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复

  • BCS.4001032 - 错误码

    错误信息: You do not have the required permission. 解决办法:按照用户指南-服务部署-前提条件章节,重新配置权限后再进行操作。

  • BCS.4001033 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to delete the member information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复

  • BCS.4001036 - 错误码

    错误信息: Operation failed. The notification does not exist. Refresh the page. 解决办法:稍后刷新查看。

  • BCS.4001040 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to decline the invitation for joining a channel. Refresh the page and check the invitation status later. 解决办法:您已同意加入此通道,请勿再次单击并稍后刷新查看通知状态

  • BCS.4001042 - 错误码

    错误信息: Failed to query the member information because the etcd connection is abnormal. 解决办法:按照故障处理指导书中ETCD故障处理指导中的步骤,检查ETCD状态,若ETCD异常,则按照指导书中的步骤进行恢复