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calc ak sk signature fail:signature expired报错 调用API时,出现Incorrect IAM authentication information: calc ak sk signature fail:signature expired报错
Token与Project ID不匹配报错 calc ak sk signature fail:signature expired报错 There was a bad response from the server报错
%s' % message) def on_response(self, message): """ websockert返回响应结果会回调此函数 :param message: json格式 :return
* * @return RasrListener,用于监听websocket */ private RasrListener getRasrListener() { RasrListener rasrListener = new RasrListener()
* * @return 返回识别的文字 */ private String getSasrResponse(RecognizeShortAudioRequest request) { String resultStr = "";
rttsDataResponse) { System.out.println("receive binary data " + rttsDataResponse.getData().length); if (fos == null) { return
text.getText().toString())) { body.withText(text.getText().toString()); } else { body.withText("请输入合成文本"); } request.withBody(body); return
fout.is_open()) { LOG(INFO) << "filePath " << filePath << " is invalid"; return; } for
_f.close() def on_error(self, error): """ websocket出错回调此函数 :param error: 错误信息 :return: - """
jobId为 " + jobId); return; } System.out.println(JsonUtils.obj2Str(response, true)); } catch (SisException e) {
表1 开发环境 准备项 说明 操作系统 Windows系统,推荐Windows 7及以上版本。 JDK Java开发环境的基本配置。版本要求:强烈推荐使用1.8版本。
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)); delete rttsClient; } int main(){ RttsTest(); return 0; } 父主题: CPP SDK
request.SetMaxSeconds(30); // set whether to return intermediate result, yes or no, default no. optional operation.
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true) } catch { self.delegate.result = "初始化录音失败" return
ProxyHostInfo(host, port); // ProxyHostInfo proxy = new ProxyHostInfo(host, port, username, password); // config.setProxy(proxy); return
(filePath, &fileLength); if (buff == nullptr) { cout << filePath << " read file failed"; rasrClient->Close(); delete rasrClient; return
错误码 调用接口出错后,将不会返回结果数据。调用方可根据每个接口对应的错误码来定位错误原因。当调用出错时,HTTPS请求返回一个 4xx 或 5xx 的 HTTPS状态码。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系华为云客服,并提供错误码,以便尽快帮您解决问题
%s' % message) def on_response(self, message): """ websockert返回响应结果会回调此函数 :param message: json格式 :return
ProxyHostInfo(host, port); // ProxyHostInfo proxy = new ProxyHostInfo(host, port, username, password); // config.setProxy(proxy); return
* * @return RasrListener,用于监听实时语音识别的开始、识别结果、结束以及失败响应 */ private RasrListener getRasrListener() { RasrListener rasrListener = new